Our Science

 Different and Better, Smart sunscreen for active people.


We put the science inside so you can play outside.



      Sol Sunguard products are different and better. We think about sun protection is a unique way. All Sol Sunguard products are purpose built. They did not start out as a cosmetic formula and then add some sunscreen filters. Good Science starts with a clear objective - Make sunscreens that athletes can use  in the most extreme sport environments without risk of sunburn, eye sting, grease or contaminated gear.

Competitive samples were rigorously reviewed and tested.

We started out evaluating over 65 different sunscreens. What we found was that most were using a few basic formulation styles that all came from cosmetic recipes. Sunscreen science had not changed much in 15 years and we could not find one formula that came close to meeting our objectives. 


Founder Steve Johnson getting a rub down from his son during tropical climate testing.

In the lab and in the field....  We tested, and tested and tested more. We interviewed thousands of elite athletes, weekend warriors and outdoor professionals. We got down to the true suncare performance needs of athletes and what was clear was that whats needed in the water isn't what's needed on a run or cycle. What's needed at high altitude isn't what's needed on a golf course.